Thursday, November 5, 2009


So Abby's ALT is down to 1092, says the technician who calls me this morning. I said, "Are you sure? Because it was about 1000 to begin with..." No, she says, it was 2000 to begin with - uh, that's not what they told me on the phone when I asked. So the good news is that it's come down by half in one week with no medicines or any other interventions (except tapping, Reiki, and love, of course). The bad news is that it was twice as high initially as I had been told. The short story is that the oncologist wants to recheck bloodwork again next week.

Sounds fine to me.

Abby ate her peanut butter pill balls tonight and she had pretty close to a normal ration of kibble and wet food (hand fed - this appears to be the current phase). She's obviously hungry, but is being somewhat picky or suspicious or both. Who cares? She's eating and the ALT is coming down. Let's party! Treats for everyone!

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